2023 APS Logo

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

July 23–28, 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


Cost-effectiveness signal compensation using modular intelligence reflecting surface

Minjae Lee, Junghun Lee, Sungjoon Lim, Chung-Ang University, Korea (South)

Metamaterial Applications for Antennas

AP-S: Electromagnetics & Materials

Oregon Ballroom 204 (OCC)

Session Time:
Wed, 26 Jul, 08:00 - 11:40 PDT (UTC -8)
Presentation Time:
Wed, 26 Jul, 11:00 - 11:20 PDT (UTC -8)

Session Co-Chairs:
Sawyer Campbell, The Pennsylvania State University and Evangelos Vassos, University of Birmingham
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Session WE-A2.1A
WE-A2.1A.1: 3D-Printed Conformal Metamaterial Lens with Multiple Beam Steering Functionalities
Noureddine MELOUKI, Fahad Ahmed, Peyman PourMohammadi, Hassan Naseri Gheisanab, Amjad Iqbal, Tayeb A. DENIDNI, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Université du Québec, Canada
WE-A2.1A.2: 3D Printed Polarisation Insensitive Wideband Metasurfaces for Dynamic Polarization Conversion and Beam Shaping
Jiexin Lai, Jianfeng Zhu, Yang Yang, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
WE-A2.1A.3: A Circularly Periodic Multi-band High-Impedance Surface Integrated with a Spiral Antenna
Kshitij Lele, Chris Bartone, Ohio University, United States
WE-A2.1A.4: Toward Hyper-Compact Rotman Lenses: Meta-Transmission Line Design and Characterization
Bharath G. Kashyap, Rodolfo Diaz, Georgios C. Trichopoulos, Arizona State University, United States
WE-A2.1A.5: Performance Charateristics of SIW-based BPF with Square-shaped CSRR Incorporation
Junas Haidi, Achmad Munir, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
WE-A2.1A.6: Wideband All-Dielectric Reflector at 100 GHz for 6G Communications
Rocio Rodriguez-Cano, Aalborg University/Penn State University, Denmark; Michael Lanagan, Penn State University, United States
WE-A2.1A.7: Metamaterial Phase-Shifter Utilizing a Compliant Mechanism Approach
Galestan Mackertich-Sengerdy, Sawyer Campbell, Pingjuan Werner, Douglas Werner, The Pennsylvania State University, United States
WE-A2.1A.8: Electro-mechanically Tunable Low-Loss mm-wave LP to LHCP or RHCP Conversion Metasurface
Evangelos Vassos, Alexandros Feresidis, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
WE-A2.1A.9: Cost-effectiveness signal compensation using modular intelligence reflecting surface
Minjae Lee, Junghun Lee, Sungjoon Lim, Chung-Ang University, Korea (South)
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