2023 APS Logo

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

July 23–28, 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


Electromagnetic nonradiating surface sources

Edwin Marengo, Giulia Salvio, Robert Costello, Northeastern University, United States

Electromagnetic Theory and Modeling I

AP-S: Electromagnetics & Materials

A 105 (OCC)

Session Time:
Mon, 24 Jul, 08:00 - 11:40 PDT (UTC -7)
Presentation Time:
Mon, 24 Jul, 09:00 - 09:20 PDT (UTC -7)

Session Co-Chairs:
Andrea Neto, Delft University of Technology and Edwin Marengo, Northeastern University
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Session MO-A2.3A
MO-A2.3A.1: Electromagnetic analysis of moving ideal or matched plane wave source with the FDTD method
Mohammad Marvasti, Halim Boutayeb, University of Quebec in Outaouais, Canada
MO-A2.3A.2: The Electromagnetic Modelling of Thermal Emission
Riccardo Ozzola, Jinglin Geng, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands; Angelo Freni, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy; Andrea Neto, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
MO-A2.3A.3: Degrees Of Freedom of the Field throught SVD-based approach applied to a Box-shaped Source Region
Laura Passalacqua, University of Siena, Italy; Cristina Yepes, Public University of Navarra, Spain; Alejandro Murillo Barrera, Huawei Technologies, Italy; Enrica Martini, Stefano Maci, University of Siena, Italy
MO-A2.3A.4: Electromagnetic nonradiating surface sources
Edwin Marengo, Giulia Salvio, Robert Costello, Northeastern University, United States
MO-A2.3A.5: A Method for Computing the Electromagnetic Fields Excited in a Cylindrical Cavity by a Longitudinal Aperture
Secil E. Dogan, Joel T. Johnson, Robert J. Burkholder, The Ohio State University, United States
MO-A2.3A.6: Derivation of Maxwell's Equations Using Field-Impulses
Eng Leong Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
MO-A2.3A.7: Analysis of Microstrip Antennas Considering Conductivity of Lossy Metal with IBC-MoM
Jeong-Hun Nam, Il-Suek Koh, INHA university, Korea (South)
MO-A2.3A.8: Theorical Analysis of All-Pass Filter Based Negative Group Delay Circuit
Nathan Gurgel, Glauco Fontgalland, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil; Blaise Ravelo, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, China
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