2023 APS Logo

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

July 23–28, 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


Reconfigurable Linarly-Polarized UnitCell at Ka-band

Zohre Pourgholamhossein, Tayeb A. Denidni, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Université du Québec, Canada

Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays II

AP-S: Antennas

A 107-109 (OCC)

Session Time:
Tue, 25 Jul, 08:00 - 11:40 PDT (UTC -7)
Presentation Time:
Tue, 25 Jul, 10:20 - 10:40 PDT (UTC -7)

Session Co-Chairs:
Elias Alwan, Florida International University and Rosalind Agasti, Oklahoma University
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Session TU-A1.3A
TU-A1.3A.1: Synthesis of Flat-Top Beampattern with Minimax Sidelobes and Constrained Dynamic Range Ratio
Mladen Vucic, Maja Jurisic Bellotti, Katarina Vodvarka, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia (Hrvatska)
TU-A1.3A.2: A reconfigurable SIW antenna array for sub 6GHz 5G communication systems
siwar Louati, Halim Boutayeb, Larbi Talbi, Khelifa Hettak, Farzad Karami, UQO, Canada
TU-A1.3A.3: Simple 28 GHz Switched Beam Antenna with Full Coverage for Zero Shadow Area
Junhyuk Cho, Ye-Bon Kim, Seung-Won Oh, Han Lim Lee, Chung-Ang University, South Korea, Korea (South)
TU-A1.3A.4: Gain Optimization of Sparse Antenna Array Configurations
Michael Ortiz, Md Nazim Uddin, Elias Alwan, Florida International University, United States
TU-A1.3A.5: Multiple Folding Array Antenna Packed in a CubeSat and its Radiation Characteristics
TADASHI TAKANO, Daiki Hosaka, Kenji Saegusa, Nihon University, Japan
TU-A1.3A.6: A Wideband Reconfigurable and Dual-Polarized Transmitarray Unit Cell
Christos Exadaktylos, Constantinos Zekios, Stavros Georgakopoulos, Florida International University, United States
TU-A1.3A.7: Reconfigurable Linarly-Polarized UnitCell at Ka-band
Zohre Pourgholamhossein, Tayeb A. Denidni, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Université du Québec, Canada
TU-A1.3A.8: A Method to Estimate Varactor Quality Factor at Microwave Frequencies
Rosalind Agasti, Hjalti Sigmarsson, Jessica Ruyle, University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States
TU-A1.3A.9: Mechanically Reconfigurable Helix in a Feedback Oscillator
Tingyou Guo, Yu Huang, Yuchen Gu, Alan Alan Bettermann, Daniel van der Weide, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States
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