2023 APS Logo

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

July 23–28, 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


Wideband 3-D Printed LP to CP Polarizer Integrated with Phase Correcting Surface for Enhanced Polarization Quality

Kaushik Debbarma, Satish K. Sharma, San Diego State University, United States

Antenna, Theory, and Design I

B: Antennas

Oregon Ballroom 203 (OCC)

Session Time:
Mon, 24 Jul, 08:00 - 11:40 PDT (UTC -7)
Presentation Time:
Mon, 24 Jul, 08:20 - 08:40 PDT (UTC -7)

Session Co-Chairs:
Sanghamitro Das, San Diego State University and David R. Jackson, University of Houston
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Session MO-UB.1A
MO-UB.1A.1: Reconfigurable Microstrip Antenna Design with Partial Ground Plane for 5G Applications
Abdullah Eroglu, Jyosri M Karra, North Carolina A&T State University, United States
MO-UB.1A.2: Wideband 3-D Printed LP to CP Polarizer Integrated with Phase Correcting Surface for Enhanced Polarization Quality
Kaushik Debbarma, Satish K. Sharma, San Diego State University, United States
MO-UB.1A.3: Directional Modulation Via Antenna Pattern Dynamics Using a Time-Varying Differentially Fed Dipole Antenna
Amer Abu Arisheh, Jeffrey A. Nanzer, Michigan State University, United States
MO-UB.1A.4: 3D Printed Dielectric Lens with Balanced Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna for Broadband High Gain 5G New Radio Applications
Sanghamitro Das, Satish K. Sharma, San Diego State University, United States; Colby O. Hobart, Philip M. Lambert, Fortify, Inc., United States
MO-UB.1A.5: Increasing the Efficiency-Bandwidth Product of Electrically-Small Antennas by Time-Dependent Parametric Coupling of Characteristic Modes
Steve Young, Zachary Fritts, Anthony Grbic, University of Michigan, United States
MO-UB.1A.6: Analytical Formulas for Beam Shift and Beam Narrowing in 1-D Leaky-Wave Antennas due to the Element Pattern
Walter Fuscaldo, National Research Council, Italy; Alessandro Galli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; David R. Jackson, University of Houston, United States
MO-UB.1A.7: Scattering Based Formulation for Substructure Characteristic Modes
Mats Gustafsson, Johan Lundgren, Lund University, Sweden; Kurt Schab, Santa Clara University, United States; Lukas Jelinek, Miloslav Capek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
MO-UB.1A.8: Rapid Reflection-based mm-Wave Array Pattern Measurement
Abdulhadi Aldawsari, Jacob Adams, North Carolina State University, United States
MO-UB.1A.9: Exploring Polarization Purity in the Reconfigurable Over-The-Air Chamber
Benjamin Arnold, Michael Jensen, Brigham Young University, United States
MO-UB.1A.10: Exploiting Absorptive Electromagnetic Surfaces for Wireless Channel Interference Management by Radio Null Formulation
Youngno Youn, Donggeun An, Cheonga Lee, Daehyeon Kim, Myeonggin Hwang, Wonbin Hong, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South)
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