2023 APS Logo

IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting

July 23–28, 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA


23-28 July 2023 • Portland, Oregon, USA

WE-A3.2A: Numerical Analysis Strategies for Applications II
Wed, 26 Jul, 08:00 - 11:40 PDT (UTC -8)
Location: B 117-119 (OCC)
Session Co-Chairs: Yaniv Brick, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Julio Nicolini, Ohio State University
Track: AP-S: Computational & Numerical Techniques
Wed, 26 Jul, 08:00 - 08:20 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.1: Reduced-Order Mode Discovery in Arbitrary Cavities via Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

Julio Nicolini, Fernando Teixeira, Robert Burkholder, Ohio State University, United States
Wed, 26 Jul, 08:20 - 08:40 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.2: Characteristic Mode Decomposition of Polarizability Tensors

Ana C. Escobar, Juan D. Baena, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia; Lukas Jelinek, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Wed, 26 Jul, 08:40 - 09:00 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.3: TM Polarized Plane Wave Scattering by a Conducting Plate with Multiple Holes

Cuong Manh Bui, Hiroshi Shirai, Chuo University, Japan
Wed, 26 Jul, 09:00 - 09:20 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.4: A Differentiable Measure of Matrix Coherence

Jonathan Kelley, The University of Texas at Austin, United States; Yaniv Brick, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel; Ali Yilmaz, The University of Texas at Austin, United States
Wed, 26 Jul, 09:20 - 09:40 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.5: Comparison Between the Fields Modeled by a Circular Cylinder and a Screen in the Transition Region

Xin Du, CheChia Kang, Jun-ichi Takada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Coffee Break
Wed, 26 Jul, 10:00 - 10:20 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.6: Blockwise vs. and General MNA for MOR

Rasul Choupanzadeh, Ata Zadehgol, University of Idaho, United States
Wed, 26 Jul, 10:20 - 10:40 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.7: Flexion Effect on the Radiofrequency-induced Heating for Modular External Fixation

Xiaolin Yang, Jianfeng Zheng, Ji Chen, University of Houston, United States
Wed, 26 Jul, 10:40 - 11:00 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.8: Bunching Effects at Emitted Radiation from GeV Electrons in a Strong Laser at Future TW Experiments

Huber Nieto-Chaupis, Universidad Autónoma del Perú, Peru
Wed, 26 Jul, 11:00 - 11:20 PDT (UTC -8)

WE-A3.2A.9: HFSS Auto Solver Combining Direct and Iterative Methods Revolutionizes Full-Wave FEM Electromagnetics

Shahid Ahmed, Ansys, Inc., United States